NC Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Bill; Uncertain Future as Legislation Heads to House

NC Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Bill; Uncertain Future as Legislation Heads to House
Cannabis News
June 25, 2024
Legislation divides state’s conservative senators. On a 36-10 vote, the North Carolina Senate passed sweeping legislation Monday evening that would allow for the use of medical marijuana while strictly regulating hemp-derived consumables. Senator Tom McInnis (R- Cumberland, Moore ) said he had no
Medical Cannabis News
NC News Line


NC Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Bill; Uncertain Future as Legislation Heads to House

Cannabis News

Legislation divides state’s conservative senators. On a 36-10 vote, the North Carolina Senate passed sweeping legislation Monday evening that would allow for the use of medical marijuana while strictly regulating hemp-derived consumables. Senator Tom McInnis (R- Cumberland, Moore ) said he had no


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