Minnesota cannabis social equity program draws 700 applicants in 24 hours

The chance to get a marijuana business permit – complete with state support for qualified social equity applicants – drew more than 700 applications with the state of Minnesota in the first 24 hours after the application window opened this week.

The state’s Office of Cannabis Management began taking early applications from would-be social equity cannabis company owners, Minnesota Public Radio reported, and the agency discovered a “significant level of interest,” a spokesperson said.

Eligible social equity demographics include those with criminal convictions of selling marijuana prior to May 1, 2023, anyone with an immediate family member with such a conviction, military veterans, residents of certain areas with disproportionately high marijuana enforcement rates, and low-income farmers.

The initial filing of paperwork is just the first of several steps, OCM Interim Director Charlene Briner told MPR. “Full license applications” will be available starting July 24, and will be accepted through Aug. 12. It’s at that point permit hopefuls will have to submit far more detailed information, such as business plans, labor peace agreements, company ownership structure, and more.

That means the applications submitted in the early days likely will be winnowed down before licenses are awarded for a smaller eventual pool of competitors.

“It doesn’t necessarily mean that all of the people who have entered the system and applied for that status will actually follow through and submit a full license. So that remains to be seen,” Briner told MPR. “But I think we’re excited about the high level of activity.”

Further details – including a breakdown of candidate eligibility for social equity status – can be found at the state’s OCM website.

It’s not clear yet when permits will actually be issued or when recreational marijuana sales may commence, but policymakers are shooting for a market launch early next year.

The post Minnesota cannabis social equity program draws 700 applicants in 24 hours appeared first on Green Market Report.

via http://www.KahliBuds.com

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