Odor Alone No Grounds for Warrantless Vehicle Searches, Minnesota Court Rules

Odor Alone No Grounds for Warrantless Vehicle Searches, Minnesota Court Rules
Cannabis News
June 18, 2024
A Minnesota Supreme Court ruled again that cannabis odor is insufficient in justifying a police search of a vehicle. Police across the country continue to pull drivers over for one reason, then choose to search their vehicle for an entirely different reason—if it smells like pot. But it isn’t
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Odor Alone No Grounds for Warrantless Vehicle Searches, Minnesota Court Rules

Cannabis News

A Minnesota Supreme Court ruled again that cannabis odor is insufficient in justifying a police search of a vehicle. Police across the country continue to pull drivers over for one reason, then choose to search their vehicle for an entirely different reason—if it smells like pot. But it isn’t

via http://www.KahliBuds.com

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