Your Take: Illinois hemp, cannabis advocates call for action in veto session

With the legislative session over for spring in Illinois, cannabis/hemp industry stakeholders across the state are regrouping and making plans for a veto session in the fall. Hemp advocates and supporters in Illinois must unite over the summer to ensure that their industry is protected, and their business models can continue to flourish.

In case you missed it, two bills passed the state Senate this Spring: one related to the regulation and temporary prohibition of certain hemp products and another omnibus cannabis bill aimed at addressing various issues related to the state’s adult-use cannabis program. These bills did not pass the state House.

Hemp business owners criticized the Senate’s hemp bill as overly broad and designed to crush the industry. Certain cannabis companies were criticized for opposing the cannabis omnibus bill. Industry groups like the Cannabis Business Association of Illinois and the Cannabis Equity Illinois Coalition gave their feedback and hoped for the best. Tempers flared, and negotiations went on well into the night, but ultimately, no fair legislation passed the General Assembly before the summer recess.

After the end of session, some people within the cannabis community were disappointed that no further progress was made. Still, others argued the solutions were rushed and eliminated opportunities – like hemp beverages – due to a lack of engagement in the development of the bills.

I founded Purple Circle in 2022 to bring low-cost licensing, compliance, and lobbyist services to small cannabis businesses and other emerging industries. As a long-time consultant to participants in the Illinois cannabis industry, I followed the lawmaking and regulatory activities closely.

I had the pleasure of working with Illinois State Rep. La Shawn K. Ford in 2023 when he helped a group of independent cannabis transporters pass life-line legislation. Rep. Ford leads the Illinois House of Representatives Working Group on Cannabis and has advocated for small business and criminal justice reform.

I recently chatted with Rep. Ford about this spring session and his plan for 2024’s veto session.

Here’s what he had to tell me:

Today, after much work and consideration, hemp products are still unregulated in Illinois. Last year, I introduced Illinois House Bill 4161, which would create a regulatory framework for hemp products and establish important requirements like licensing, testing, and labeling. I also introduced HB4193 that would create age minimums for hemp product purchases, limited to adults who are 21 years of age or older. This year, I introduced HB5306, the Industrial Hemp Act, designed to accomplish those same goals.

I agree with Gov. JB Pritzker that a hemp regulatory proposal must be top priority during veto session this fall. I joined him in his disappointment that we couldn’t get a bill through in spring. Going into veto session, I hope to work with all stakeholders to educate lawmakers on solutions to our communities’ issues while still leaving opportunities for this growing industry to flourish in Illinois. We will then finalize a bill that will accomplish all stakeholder goals. Anything else could put hundreds – if not thousands – of Illinois companies out of business and Illinoisans out of work, while starting a new war on drugs in Illinois. Our communities have been targeted and destroyed by this failed war, and it is past time to repair the harm, not create prohibition 2.0.

Amber Lengacher is the founder and CEO of Purple Circle LLC. 

Rep. La Shawn K. Ford leads the Illinois House of Representatives Working Group on Cannabis.

The post Your Take: Illinois hemp, cannabis advocates call for action in veto session appeared first on Green Market Report.


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